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    < Back to all projects ERVING INDUSTRIES MICROGRID PROJECT LOCATION: Erving, MA DESIGN START: November 2014 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 5.6 MW Solar Turbine, Taurus 60 dual fuel combustion turbine with duct-fired heat recovery steam generator IN-SERVICE: December 2015 FIRM ROLE: EPC (Engineer, Procure, Construct), Commissioning Waldron served as the EPC (engineer, procure, construct) contractor for the Erving Paper CHP Project. The job consisted of a new CHP and building located adjacent to the mill’s existing steam plant, and included a Solar Turbines Taurus 60 dual fuel combustion turbine with a duct-fired, 600-psig heat recovery steam generator, connection to the mill’s existing compressed natural gas delivery system, a synthetic natural gas (propane + air) mixing system for secondary fuel to the duct burner, a revised 13.8 kV electrical interconnection with new switchgear, a black start generator, and various upgrades to the existing utility systems necessary to accommodate the project. Waldron worked with the mill and a team of subcontractors to complete engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of this fast-track project within eighteen months from notice to proceed, working within and around the operating mill.


    < Back to all projects YALE UNIVERSITY ELECTRICAL WORK LOCATION: New Haven, CT PROJECT DATES: 2013 – 2016 FIRM ROLE: Designer, Commissioning Waldron has completed multiple projects for Yale University. Below are some of the electrical focused projects that have been completed. 1. Supplemental Generator Project a. Designed and installed 3 mobile generators to provide supplemental power to the Yale University Campus. The mobile generators operate in parallel with existing turbine generators and emergency generators. The three mobile generators run in parallel with each other and have load share capability. b. Controls of the generators are designed to operate the generator from three locations, local manually, chiller plant control room-automatically and the central power plant control room automatically. Controls for the new switchgear were connected into the DCS and existing synch panel for remote control. Raise/Lower voltage and frequency, synch check and other interlocks will be designed as needed. c. Arc Flash Study completed for all new equipment. d. Developed the Sequence of Operation for the generator control system. 2. New Vista Key Control Project a. Designed and commissioned the new Vista Switch Key Interlock Controls between four existing 15KV breakers. The Vista Switch Key Interlock Controls allow the associated 15 KV circuit breaker to be closed on a dead bus when the vista switch is open. This energizes the vista switch on the campus side of the switch and allows the utility to perform phase checks at the vista switch. The vista switch is not allowed to close if the key interlock switch is activated. All synchronizing remains across the 15KV breakers. b. Developed the Sequence of Operation for the Vista Switch Key Interlock control system.

  • ABOUT | Waldron Engineering & Construction, Inc.

    About Waldron specializes in engineering, construction, commissioning and testing of utility plants, peaking plants, combined heat and power, renewable energy, central heating and chilling facilities. As a premier power engineering and construction management firm in the US, Waldron prides itself on being a leader in advancing new and emerging energy production technologies and developing ways to bring them to commercial application. Whether you need engineering design, construction management, commissioning, or a full service EPC firm that can take a project from initial concept to final operation, we can partner with you to deliver the best solutions on time and on budget. Our reputation and exemplary skill set is well respected within the energy–focused community, and we would be delighted to share our references with you. LEADERSHIP OUR PEOPLE HISTORY


    < Back to all projects NASHUA WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY LOCATION: Nashua, NH DESIGN START: November 2017 DESIGN COMPLETION: March 2018 IN-SERVICE: August 2020 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 2 x 225 kW Engine Anaerobic Digester Gas/Natural Gas Blend FIRM ROLE: Engineer, Permitting Support, Commissioning Waldron performed a detailed evaluation of the existing cogeneration building at the Nashua Wastewater Treatment Facility (NWTF). The evaluation included the existing piping, renewable gas production, the two boilers, heat exchangers, gas cleaning room, the exhaust gas flare, and gas hold tank feed system. Waldron provided a preliminary design report on findings and recommended solutions. The renewable gas firing option allowed considerable financial and environmental benefits. Waldron was the Engineer of Record, environmental and electricity utility permitting agent for the project. The project included the replacement of an existing 300 kW engine generator and associated auxiliary equipment with two 225 kW engine generators, gas blending system for easy startup and to maintain consistent fuel gas quality at the engines, associated heat exchangers, new control system, and new electrical switchgear which enables net metering at the facility. The new design benefited the wastewater facility with significant energy savings and increased the overall operating efficiency, flexibility, and redundancy.


    < Back to all projects HARVARD BLACKSTONE – BOILER 13 DESIGN START/COMPLETION: Spring 2006 – Summer 2007 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 5.0 MW Electric, 150,000 lb/hr steam fired boiler / backpressure steam turbine IN-SERVICE: Fall 2008 FIRM ROLE: EPC – Engineering, Procurement Support, Construct, Commissioning In 2003, Harvard purchased the Blackstone Station from NSTAR to insure a secure source of steam to serve the future campus expansion. Waldron was retained to provide technical due diligence for the purchase. Waldron was challenged by Harvard to develop a plan for Blackstone that would meet the Campus growth needs into 2020. The first step in the plan was the installation of Boiler 13, underground fuel oil storage, a steam turbine generator and a complete upgrade to the electrical and mechanical systems. Waldron’s scope was to develop the construction plans and specifications, construction management of the project for Harvard, commission, and test the new equipment.


    < Back to all projects YALE UNIVERSITY INVESTMENT GRADE STUDY LOCATION: New Haven, CT STUDY DATE: November 2011 FIRM ROLE: Investment Grade Study for Repowering the Central Utility Plant Waldron was selected by Yale University to develop a master plan for the repowering of the existing Central Utility Plant. The existing facility consists of three 5 MW gas turbines and heat recovery boilers that provide steam and electricity to the campus. The turbines are now at the end of their useful life. Waldron’s scope included the development of a Basis of Design document that quantified the future requirements for the Central Utility Plant. The requirements comprised thermal and electric load profiles, operational restraints, environmental requirements, and economic parameters. An operations model of the existing Central Utility Plant was developed to simulate the hourly operations of the plant serving the campus loads for a 20-year period, BAU case (Business as Usual). A series of alternatives were developed and run against the 20-year simulation to quantify the technical performance of the options operating against the campus loads. An economic model of the operations is linked to the simulation, taking into account utility rate structures, commodity costs, and other influences. The combined models provided a data set that was utilized for the selection of a preferred option to be refined in to an investment grade business case. The investment grade business case included a detailed construction cost estimate, linked to a construction plan, including rigging analysis and a phasing-in schedule. Detailed operating cost results were included from the 20-year simulation. Operations costs and maintenance costs were developed down to the individual staffing level, consumable consumptions, and LTSA quotations. A final set of project economics along with a probabilistic analysis was developed for presentation for the business case to the trustees.


    < Back to all projects UNH PROCESS LANDFILL GAS PROJECT LOCATION: Durham, NH IN-SERVICE: 2009 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 7.9 MW Turbine/HRSG duct-Landfill gas/natural gas blend FIRM ROLE: Engineering and Design Waldron Engineering was contracted by EMCOR to design the installation of a landfill gas to energy system for the existing Siemens gas turbine and a HRSG duct-burner for the University of New Hampshire. Waldron was the Engineer of Record for the process landfill gas (PLG) project and assisted with work on the aspects of the landfill gas conditioning. The landfill gas is conditioned and blended with natural gas for the operation of the cogeneration facility. Waldron was responsible for providing a construction package that defined the work for the mechanical, civil, electrical and controls portions of the work. The construction specifications for the work were provided as part of the package. All the specs were coordinated with the existing UNH equipment and materials to maintain the consistency of the equipment in the plant. The UNH Cogeneration Plant consists of a 7.9-megawatt dual-fuel combustion generator train, including a HRSG (heat recovery steam generator) with a duct burner that produces 100,000 pounds of steam per hour and a 1,200-ton chilled water plant.


    < Back to all projects HOWARD M. DOWN GENERATING STATION LOCATION: Vineland, NJ DESIGN START/COMPLETION: Spring 2010 – Winter 2010 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 64 MW Trent 60 Gas Turbine / Dilution Air SCR / Natural Gas Compression / Utility Sub-Station IN-SERVICE: Spring 2012 FIRM ROLE: Engineering Vineland Municipal Electric Utility (VMEU) needed to expand the generating base within their service territory. A plan was developed to install 50 MW of capacity adjacent to the existing Howard Down generating station in downtown Vineland. Waldron was selected to be the engineer of record for the design of a new peaking facility. Waldron developed an equipment purchase set of specifications for a nominal 64 MW peaking gas turbine generator and SCR system. The bids were evaluated, and a recommendation was made to VMEU based on best value to select the Rolls Royce Trent 60 prime mover for the Howard Down Unit #11 . Waldron developed a detailed design package around the Trent 60 engine and supported VMEU in the selection and oversight of a general contractor to implement the design. The plant was placed in service on-time for the summer season, 2012.


    < Back to all projects MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY MICROGRID LOCATION: Montclair, NJ DESIGN START/COMPLETION: Spring 2011 – Spring 2012 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 54 MW Electric 52,000 lb/hr steam, 43,000 tons chilling / 1-Solar Taurus 60 / 1-Rentech HRSG / 1-York Model YK Electrically driven Centrifugal Chiller / 1-York Model YST Steam-driven Centrifugal Chiller SCHEDULE: In-Service 2013 FIRM ROLE: Engineer of Record The Montclair State University combined heating, cooling and power plant (CHCP) became fully operational in September 2013. The goal of the project was to provide the expanding 250-acre campus with efficient and environmentally friendly energy to meet its growing needs. The state-of-the-art facility was designed to provide 100,000 pounds/hr of 125 psig steam, 4300 tons of 42 °F chilled water and 5.4 MW of electrical power to the campus’ academic, administration and residential buildings. The project also included new steam and condensate distribution piping and chilled water supply and return distribution piping to the campus buildings. Waldron’s scope of work included full mechanical, electrical, instrumentation controls, civil, structural and architectural design and engineering services. Waldron worked closely with the project developer, DCO Energy and the University to ensure that all project programming goals were met. The specified and installed equipment is highlighted by a dual fuel, 5.4 MW (nominal) Solar Taurus 60 gas turbine-generator and a 52,000 pound/hr Rentech heat recovery steam generator which includes a natural gas-fired duct burner. Other major equipment included, two packaged auxiliary boilers, one steam turbine-driven centrifugal chiller, one electric-driven centrifugal chiller, cooling towers and medium and low voltage electrical switchgear.


    < Back to all projects HARVARD BLACKSTONE – BOILER 11 UPGRADE DESIGN START/COMPLETION: November 2010 – June 2011 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 150,000 lb/hr dual fuel (natural gas and #6 oil), 400 psig steam boiler IN-SERVICE: November 2012 FIRM ROLE: EPC (Engineering, Procure, Construct), Commissioning In 2003, Harvard purchased the Blackstone Station in Cambridge, MA from NSTAR to insure a secure source of steam to serve the future campus expansion. Waldron was retained to provide technical due diligence for the purchase as well as develop a plan for Blackstone that would meet the Campus growth needs into 2020. The installation of Boiler 13 was the first step in the plan. After the successful installation of Boiler 13, the next step was the Boiler 11 upgrade. Waldron was once again brought on as the EPC contractor by Harvard University for the project. The project scope included an upgrade of the fuel delivery and control systems associated with Boiler 11 at Harvard’s Blackstone steam plant in Cambridge, MA. The proposed work involved a 150,000 lbs/hr dual fuel (natural gas and #6 oil), 400 psig steam boiler burner management and combustion control systems complete replacement. These upgrades modernized the fuel train and combustion controls for the industrial boiler which provides part of the Harvard campus steam supply.


    < Back to all projects FRITO-LAY MICROGRID LOCATION: Dayville, CT DESIGN START/COMPLETION: March 2008 – September 2009 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 4.5 MW Electric, 100,000 lb/hr steam gas turbine / HRSG IN-SERVICE: Fall 2009 FIRM ROLE: EPC (Engineering, Procure, Construct), Start-up, Commissioning, Close-Out In an effort to manage production costs in the Northeast, Frito-Lay chose to reduce overall energy costs by installing a combined heat and power plant at their Killingly, CT facility. Waldron was selected as the EPC contractor to install a gas turbine based CHP plant in a stand alone building adjacent to the manufacturing plant. The prime mover selected was the 4.5 MW Centaur 50 gas turbine, manufactured by Solar Turbines. Heat is recovered in a Rentech supplemental fired boiler that produces up to a peak steam output of 60,000 lb/hr. Integral in the boiler is a SCR system to control NOx emissions to 2.5 ppm at the stack. The plant was named a Pace Setting Plant in the Combined Cycle Journal, second quarter 2009.


    < Back to all projects P&G GILLETTE WORLD HEADQUARTERS CHP LOCATION: Boston, MA DESIGN START: Winter 2009 DESIGN COMPLETION: Summer 2010 SIZE & TECHNOLOGY: 7.5 MW Taurus 70 with HRSG & SCR FIRM ROLE: Engineering, Procure, Construction Management and Commissioning IN-SERVICE: Summer 2011 Waldron was selected by P&G Gillette to expand their existing power plant by installing a new combined heat and power plant in a location that was occupied by an existing boiler. A multi-level plant design was developed with the prime mover selected as the 7.5 MW Solar Taurus 70 gas turbine that exhausted through a 100kph Rentech HRSG. Waldron was also awarded the construction management (CM) and procurement contract for the plant installation. Except for the turbine, gas compressor, and HRSG; Waldron supplied all plant auxiliary equipment and subcontracts to execute the plant installation. The CM scope included site work, soil remediation, driven piles, concrete foundations, demolition of existing plant interferences and boiler, abatement, structural steel installation, major & auxiliary equipment installation, piping & insulation, aqueous ammonia tank, fire suppression, fire alarm, architectural finishes, electrical distribution, and instrumentation and controls. In addition, Waldron performed the start-up & commissioning of the plant. Throughout the project there was continued added scope due to unforeseen conditions with an expectation of zero changes to the schedule. Waldron also had changing utility interconnect requirements which led to impacts on the design. In addition, Waldron successfully navigated Boston permitting changes during the certification of occupancy process. Waldron’s work on Gillette proved to be very challenging. After many curveballs, we met those challenges successfully. For example, Waldron had to perform the demolition and erect structural steel inside the operating plant—a plant that could not have any unplanned outages. We also had to be creative in planning and executing construction operations during severe weather conditions in order to make a large cut in the existing building envelope during the winter months in Boston. Existing sensitive equipment and systems installed in the construction path had to be protected from construction activities. As a scheduling challenge, Waldron had to coordinate weekend fire alarm testing and the permit closeout process between the vendors, the subcontractors, the Boston Fire Department and P&G – which in and of itself is no small task. It is worthy to remember that the plant had to stay operational at all times to support the manufacturing of P&G Gillette products. Waldron and our subcontractors planned and worked many major holiday weekends to suit the few plant planned outage schedules. Waldron worked closely with the client and building owner during the commissioning process to overcome impacts to the newly installed equipment from utility harmonics.

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CA Contractor License #1126806

Westchester County HI License #WC-38167-H24

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